
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

(Christian College ≠ Alcohol Appreciation) = wrong if you go to Calvin

I know this is the third post this month and it is not even the third week in April, but the auburn Appalachian brought something to my attention that I had to share with all you DGBC folk I know are out there:

Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.
above: Calvin College's SAO website (please see their alcohol appreciation series)

Apparently, some Christian colleges appreciate alcohol. Now this is no slam on the college of the DGBC participants, it is just a little golf clap for Calvin's Student Activities Office. To think that one could go to a Christian college and be educated by older, more mature, and wiser believers on how to make mature choices! Wait a second...oh no...now I get it.

To be completely fair, the Drinking Goat Brewing Co.'s college tuition prices are much lower than they could be because our school has not had to purchase a multimillion dollar policy to protect us from alcohol-student related accidents. At most state schools the most expensive insurance policy is their alcohol accident policy.

Additionally, friends I know both at Calvin and Gordon have mentioned the problems associated with living on a wet Christian campus (sexual assault, partying, $$$, being hungover in chapel/church, etc.). To think that even believers fall into moral potholes. Not here though. Wait a second...oh no...now I get it.

In short, it's complex. And now I will very carefully climb off my soapbox.

1 comment:

  1. Learning alcohol responsibility and accountability while among thoughtful Christian peers? Amen. Good for Calvin for promoting a careful appreciation of a craft and a community.


    Courtside Carrie
